your daily dose of spiritual food


176. sliced durian at a market in bangkok


intensely pungent

unquestionably unique

loved by some, hated by others

opinions opinions

say what they say

be who you are

listen to your self

honor what is pure

it comes from within

go inside

let it shine


walking around in the streets of bangkok, i ran into this soda machine by a dark alley. i have always been fascinated with type, calligraphy, the stroke of a letter, a straight line juxtaposed by a curved accent. it’s an exhilarating experience to witness the bravery of a letter. so it’s no surprise i was stunned by these backlit letters on red. there was also a tickle in the brain to see a sign that has become so ubiquitous across the planet being shown in a different language, i stand thrilled to experience the unknown.

3. wat arun

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this stone sentinel watches solemnly as the tourists and the pious walk through its holy grounds at wat arun, the temple of the dawn. considered one of thailand’s major attractions, this holy place is filled with intricate, colorful detail. much like gaudi’s use of ceramics ages later in a land far away, the towers are covered in tiny bits of glazed ceramic, forming metaphors of flora and fauna, interspersed with the welcoming contrast of rapturing, austere, undecorated, gray, carved stone figures. despite the beauty of the place, the people are what i most treasure from this visit .the people i have met from thailand are, in general,  some of the friendliest and most beautiful people, bright with positivity and good intentions. the buddhist vein runs thick in their every act.