your daily dose of spiritual food

Posts tagged “writing

158. la neblina

up in the mountains at volcán irazú

tiny wildflowers and a soft carpet of grass become the edges of the road

a fence made of branches

gives monumental scale to the ancient tree

a silent, standing, patient witness to the curtains of mist

showering the earth below

157. canicas

a playful metaphor of the universe

an explosion set in motion

by a child’s flick of the wrist

each marble a planet, a star, a galaxy

in orbit with the baby blue chalk rings

upon the gray concrete space

the glass spheres collide with each other

particles crashing

sent forth in every direction

beautiful, random, spontaneous chaos

contrasting with the ordered, predesigned framework

appreciate life

by seeing and feeling opposite forces at play with each other

without chaos, could we understand order?

153. san francisco national cemetery


a metaphor of our own

as the fleeting butterfly beats its own wings

so does the heaving chest expand and contract

moving the same air

in and out

sending it forth

all the triumphs, all the failures

in, out

let them all be sources of wonder

every thought

every feeling

every moment

let it be



152. golfo de nicoya

out at sea

thoughts process in different patterns

not the familiar, solid earth underneath your feet

deep waters meet the skies above

the horizon stretches out

beckoning your gaze beyond what the eye can hold when on land

you see far, yet you walk little

the contradicting situation grants you a moment

to sit still and contemplate the vastness

to remind oneself of the smallness of you

of the limitlessness of life

and the fact that you are part of it

thus, in fact, you are not small

you are endless

151. poró gigante

a wild pigeon contemplates the horizon at the top of a giant poró

this enormous, graceful tree paints the costa rican landscape with its vibrant colors

each bright brushstroke is a petal from a curvaceous flower that the tree so elegantly displays

nature gives us this beautiful masterpiece in a bright sunny day

a silent reminder of the miracle and endless wonder of life

i am grateful for sharing space with this creation


146. gratitude

getting together

breaking bread

sharing memories

laughing out loud

holding the space

living in love

giving thanks

for every breath

for every one

for every moment

is a gift we get to live

in love, of love, for love

thank you



145. family

what makes us kin?

is it blood, is it likeness? is it closeness, is it kindness?

what are the bonds that tie us together?

once we see that we are all one

then we can see our selves as we are

all connected, all woven together

we are the threads that make up this rug that is the universe

one love

one family


144. keep it weird

an oasis of free spirits in a land of mostly outdated, backward, petroleum-fueled thinking

this city is best described by its motto: keep austin weird

good food, live music, perfect weather

a thriving biking culture, brave to ride amidst reckless gas-guzzling suv’s

beautiful people, inside and out

i felt a sense of place and community that is rare to find in this country

this grassroots, earth-rammed bike park was packed with austin’s finest and most eclectic

a fitting irony, that the capital of texas is now one of the most progressive and liberal cities in the united states


143. rain

just like sun, we need rain

without the wet, there is no dry

if it was never cold, gray, tempestuous and dark,

how could we ever understand and appreciate bright, sunny, hot, breezy days?

neither is better

both are essential

opposite elements in nature give us a clue as to what opposite forces live within us

rain invites us to go inside

dwell inside to contemplate our self

go to the opposite places in your mind, heart, body and soul

know them well

with this knowledge, you can live in the middle

live in love

rediscovering the love that always is, you are in complete balance

thank you rain

142. the great wall

snaking along the northern asian mountains

the great wall of china still stands

a testimony to the lack of unity in mankind

a reminder that we must all get past history

past our differences, shed all fear

that biggest of illusions, that impedes us

from remembering that the only reality is love

that we are all part of one loving one

the great monument is not the stones, the parapets, the steps

it is the majestic mountain range

undulating the surface of the earth as far as my eyes can see

that display of nature’s magnificence is greatness, beauty, awe

humbled by the great mother

gratitude for life fills my soul


141. la carreta tica

my grandfather tito

whenever i asked him “¿cómo estás?”

he would always reply the same way,

“empujando la carreta” (pushing the ox cart) he would say

a national symbol and icon of joy for all ticos,

a tradition that embodies so much of who we are

no two carretas are the same

always uniquely hand-painted according to the creativity of the artist

they are put in motion thanks to the efforts of a graceful animal

the wheels are a costa rican mandala

you can observe them forever

meditating on love and beauty

the carreta is a humble reminder of a life more connected with the natural world





140. sunset in alamo square

sunrise, sunset

sun rises, yet again

a beautiful gift, one more day

one more time

one more chance

one more gift we receive to give love

to live life

what a blessing

what a miracle it is

that we get to live every single day

one more time

use this gift

make love, give love, be love

139. trees

head in the heavens, feet firmly rooted, deep below the earth

dancing, swaying, celebrating with the wind

sequestering what is superfluous

turning it into what we need

giving out all that is good

being a habitat for life to thrive

striving, reaching out for the sun

let us learn from these patient, noble, loving beings

138. gandhi

whenever you think your task at hand is too overwhelming, remember gandhi

he did not stop at words, concepts or theories

turning thought into action

he set his intentions on peace, freedom, rights and equality for all

through the tools of satyagraha – holding on to the truth, and ahimsa – nonviolence

he moved the hearts and minds of countless beings, opening the world’s eyes to remind us of the oneness of everything

let us remember we are all one

as such, let us be only love

have only love to give and receive

in mahatma’s words, let us be the change that we want to see in the world

137. mom & dad

i love talking to my parents

not just because they are my best friends

since they still live in costa rica, i get to hear about what is important in life back home

down there, the big news is not about the latest stock or gadget

the big news is that it hasn’t rained in two days during rainy season

the big news is that the avocado trees in the yard are giving so much that they’re giving them away and still there are too many

the simplicity and beauty of life is what i am reminded of when i talk to them

this view of the rising sun over the mountains was taken standing on the roof that my parents built for us to live and thrive in

i now am able to grow, standing on the foundations that they built

without their love, support and encouragement, these images and words would not be meeting your eyes today

136. el caricaco

the beach nomads

hermit crabs protect their vulnerable tails out of found objects in the sand

when they outgrow their mobile home, they get together and make a line by size

then, in an act of cooperation, they let go of their shell and take the bigger vacant one

dancing a conga line together to survive

we call them caricacos in costa rica

they love coconut and, like kids, will swarm to anything sweet

i saw a giant one the size of a bowling ball when i was a kid

i was so amazed by its size

i then understood that anything in this life is possible

just one of the beautiful inhabitants of our beaches

a mentor for all who are willing to learn

observe nature, endless answers will then unfold

134. talamanca

the first rays of the sun caress the mountains and dance with the clouds

a new day begins

light comes in through our eyes, into our hearts and minds, warming our body and soul

igniting us to wake up and embrace the gift of a new day

no matter what came before, or what will come after

only what you have right now, within you

let it shine and light the world up with love

133. children

the little ones are the wisest of mentors

they teach through their actions, effortlessly wading through the waters of life

they care only for what matters: love

(and its countless manifestations, including laughing, smiling, playing, jumping, climbing, dancing, singing, hugging, kissing)

the older i grow, the bigger the child in me becomes

let us learn from the tiny masters

embrace the one within you, aching to come out and play!

carry out your day in service with humility, compassion, and all the powerful love and action your soul abounds with

and, most importantly,

have fun!

132. create

seek to consciously be with your creation

you are always creating

you are a creator, whether you intend to or not

consciously or subconsciously, you are creating your world around you

seek your art, discover it, work it, explore it, share it, give it to the world

do not let yourself be stopped by obstacles

distractions and diversions will always be there

pour your love into your creation

let your light shine and let it be a guiding force for you and everyone around you

131. go forth

get on the boat and navigate

sometimes you sail

sometimes you fail

but every single time you live and learn on the trail

every moment of life is a precious gift

a chance to grow that is only there at this present moment, so live in it

be it

make it

live it

do it!

130. park(ing) day 2010

last friday, communities all over the world gathered around to put people first, cars second

we took two parking spots, and made a public park for a day, with picnic benches, plants, balloons, laid back chairs, people and pizza

biking back home that day, i stumbled on this beautiful metaphor of a parking spot

a red sports car, covered in earth and grass, with a pig playing on top

imagine the possibilities

imagine the beauty that our cities could bring to our life

if instead of being surrounded by ominous machines, having our sidewalks embraced by grass, benches and art coming to our soul’s rescue.

to see our park(ing) spots, go here

129. pura vida

yesterday costa rica celebrated its independence

we are one of the smallest, yet happiest nations in the planet

we only cover 0.1% of the planet’s surface, yet hold a brilliant, beautiful and diverse 5% of the world’s biodiversity

25% of our country is revered and protected as national parks, most of the rest of it still looks like one

we are the only country in the world to not decrease or sustain, but increase our forest coverage, 100% in the last 20 years

95% of our energy is provided by our mother earth, from wind, hydroelectric and geothermal sources

we are the first nation to abolish its army, and public education is free and mandatory

our wealth is not measured in money, skyscrapers, or possessions

our wealth is measured in our ancient trees, rivers, waterfalls, mountains, volcanoes, beaches, frogs, butterflies, birds, dolphins, turtles, monkeys, whales, humans, the list goes on

our way of life is encapsulated on our most famous saying, ‘ pura vida ‘

so if you ever find yourself drawn to our nation, please visit it with respect for its people and places

support and visit the places that are ecologically mindful, and do not spend a cent on those huge hotels that are scarring the face of our coasts

we must send a message to everyone on this planet that it is being in relationship with nature what really matters in this life, not owning it and looking down on it to do as you please with it

support, play, celebrate and participate with our people, biologists, artists, campesinos and so many more that love our mother earth as much as they love love itself

paz, amor, alegría, pura vida costa rica!

128. creation

just as the sky forms beautiful sculptures out of thin air, reflecting all colors, shapes and sizes, so can you be the sculptor of your own reality

work with what this world has given you

accept everything you are and everything you are not

give thanks for everything that has been given and taken away from you

create not for you, but for the joy of creating

create for everyone!

let your creations be in service to light and freedom, love and laughter

go, play!

in the words of mark whitwell, stop looking, start doing

127. off the deep end

there is a time for everything in this life

most times are for being balanced, safe and sound, warm dry land underneath your feet

yet every now and then comes a time for diving on to the cold water, into the unknown

if you have an open heart and mind, these are the times that help you grow

to be fearless and lovefull

taking the leap, steadfast in your love, in the present moment, at one with all

being truth, light and joy

these times, when anyone else would just but see darkness and cold, are the moments when you illuminate and thus bring light into this world